Calling All Our Models: 6 Tips on How to Take Care of Your Skin

Helping our Models Direct talent ooze feel-good vibes and confidence

Male and Female Model performing skincare routine

Here at Models Direct, we connect models with clients who are looking for real-life people to represent their brands. We want ALL of our fabulous models, whatever age range or ability, to look, feel and be their best so they are ready for their assigned modelling jobs.

So, when you hear the words, “lights, camera, action,” it's important that you feel good about yourself. What better way to kick-start your self-confidence journey than to begin by taking care of the first thing the camera will pick up: the condition of your skin.

Get your skincare regime underway and illuminate those feel-good vibes through the camera. Keep reading to learn six simple tips on how to take care of your skin.

You are what you eat

This statement usually falls on deaf ears however what goes inside usually reflects on the outside. Be kind to your skin and body by choosing cleaner foods and drinks. As a guideline, keep in mind the following and incorporate as part of your daily meals:

  • Vegetable and legumes/beans
  • Fruit
  • Milk, cheese, yoghurt and/or alternatives
  • Poultry and lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds
  • Wholegrain foods; bread, pasta, rice

Aim for your 5-a-day and reaching the 1.2 to 1.5 litres fluid intake mark. Your skin, body and mind will thank you for it!

Log your food intake

Keep a food diary by logging what you are eating and review every week where improvements can be made. The most obvious improvements being: cutting down on sugar and salt, reducing alcohol intake, upping the vitamins and minerals through cleaner foods.

Remember to take it slow because gradual changes are more sustainable than sudden ones!

Establish a skincare regime

Getting into the swing of incorporating a skincare routine can be quite a challenge. Hey, we live busy lives and don't have the time to spend it on ourselves let alone our skin! We get it! But that’s where establishing something small can be the start of something big.

Next time you are shopping for skincare products, consider your skin type. Is yours oily, dry, a combination of both or sensitive? Learn which category your skin type falls under and explore which weather conditions and external factors can affect this.

Be kind to your skin; introduce organic products

The boom of “organic" skincare products has caught the attention of many choosing a more natural way of living life. This pathway encourages a cost-effective route to kinder ingredients, less harmful to the skin (and environment, which is a bonus!) whilst supporting the sustainability issue with recyclable product materials.

Many fans are on board. Maybe it's time you join the organic revolution too!

Say “no way” to the sun's rays!

Bust the destructive rays of the skin by always wearing SPF (sun protection factor) creams, lotions and sprays. The damaging UVA and UVB rays can be reduced when implementing SPF skincare into your regime.

Applying a teaspoon of an SPF fortified product to your face before heading outdoors (and reapplying as instructed on the manufacturer's label) is the best way of blocking those pesky rays and protecting your skin from sun damage.

Exercise the toxins away

Not only is exercise good for your mind, body and overall well-being, it is also fabulous for your skin. It helps to increase blood flow which draws and flushes out toxins like free radicals from cells. Exercise encourages clearer skin because it simply cleanses your insides and out. If you don’t have a gym membership, don’t sweat it! A regular brisk walk, jog run and so on, are simple ways to incorporate exercise without having to worry about the bank balance!


These six tips are a great guide on how to take care of your skin helping you feel confident not just in front of the camera but across your life. Give them a go; make some positive lifestyle changes and see your skin improve.