How to keep fit and healthy on a busy schedule

Published: 2nd Mar 2020

Working long days within the week, going out Saturday and relaxing on the Sunday… with all this going on, how would you have time to go to the gym 5 times a week and cook healthy meals every breakfast, lunch and dinner?? 

I have learnt that having a good routine is the best thing when it comes to a balanced healthy lifestyle… it is so important to keep a happy and healthy regime. Clients booking models for modelling work look for healthy models with good skin, so eat well and maintain a achievable exercise routine.

Balanced Meal Choices 

When it comes to eating healthy, don’t be tempted to buy too many treats and ‘naughty’ foods whist doing your weekly food shop.

Then when you’re at home, you won’t be able to snack on unhealthy foods and will have to resort to healthier options instead. However I do believe it is important to have a few treats here and there otherwise if you cut out unhealthy foods altogether it’s a much higher chance of you breaking your healthy living lifestyle. The reason why I don’t like to say ‘Diet’ is because it just sounds so strict, whereas living a healthier lifestyle, its more about eating the healthier options but still able to eat a treat here and there.  You should not feel restricted when going out for food; if you’re at a burger restaurant… you have a burger! Don’t feel guilty at all.,. It’s all about a wholesome balance. 

What I found helpful and a way to save money is to cook a large batch of food for the week, for example a big chilli con carne (Turkey mince meat and mixed beans) and long grain rice. Then I separate this into 5 different containers, 3 in the freezer and the other 2 in the fridge (take out the frozen meals the night before). This means you have your lunch prepared for the week, its healthier option than sandwiches (and more yummy) and it will save you buying lunch ever day. For breakfast, I have low fat Greek yoghurt, a teaspoon of natural honey and a handful of frozen berries. All this in a pot and you’re good to go (you can also add granola to make it more filling). For dinner, I eat well. I’ve worked hard all day; I just keep the portions to a healthy size and served with lots of tasty vegetables. 


When you have a busy life, it can be hard to add another thing into your working week, such as going to the gym. However, if this is the case then don’t go to the gym! You heard me…  if you cant stand the thought of paying £20+ on a contracted gym membership per month and worried about if you’re using the cable machine wrong or if its too busy and you cant get on anything. Don’t worry about it. There are so many other ways to keep fit, such as going for a run before or after work, going for a long walk on a Sunday, purchasing a fitness DVD to do at home, create your own home workout or if you are happy to spend a little bit of money, you could buy an exercise bike and a set of free weights. 

It is so important to keep fit and healthy, not only to be in good shape but it also helps you mentally. I find Yoga really helps me release my stress and my worries; it helps me think of positivity and allows me to just relax and be in the moment. 

Everyone is different, so do what is right and what works for you. 

Have a happy and healthy lifestyle!! 

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