Teen models: Advice for 13-17 year-old models

The “teen years” is a time when young people often discover a lot about themselves - as do their parents. The five or so years from the age of 12 marks a unique transition period that can be fun, emotional, awkward and rewarding (and often a mixture of all the above). It’s a time when teenagers will be exposed to high school, different trends and peer pressure, and it’s something pretty much every teenager will experience.

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There’s a good chance that a lot of teenagers - particularly older ones - will have had jobs before, from paper rounds to café and bar work, or even just a temporary employment. These are all positive, and can teach teenagers the value of commitment and earning an honest wage. But here’s even better news: the need for teen models has been growing steadily, and it’s something Models Direct can help with. If you (and your parents) haven’t considered this worthwhile working avenue, now’s the time to put your collective heads together. The truth is: teen models are always in demand.


Yesterday, myself and 4 other lucky models were asked to take part in an ice skating photo shoot at Bluewater Shopping Centre down in Dartford. After a warm welcome from the team, we were treated to getting our make up done by House of Fraser and had the personal stylists from Oasis and Topshop dress us. The day could not have gone any more perfectly. I met some amazing people and Charlie at Models Direct organised everything so smoothly and was extremely helpful. The crew on the day were also extremely attentive. This is my third project with Models Direct, I had such a great time and can't wait for the next one! Thanks for everything guys.

As trends change and competition soars, companies need to adapt and look for ever-changing strategies to boost their brand name and public awareness. They need fresh faces. There are two questions to ask yourself if you or your teenage child is chomping at the bit to get into modelling: 1.Can they do it? 2. How do they do it?

Let’s take question 1. Teenage models need confidence and reliability. Self-belief could come from playing team sports, being part of an amateur dramatics club, or simply being a part of a close-knit group of friends. These are not prerequisites of becoming a model, but they’ll all be valuable contributions to a teenager’s social standing and outlook on life. Teenage models should be organised, too, and it’d help if the parent-child bond is strong. Good looks are important, but with so many different jobs on offer, teenagers of all looks, builds and backgrounds are highly sought-after.

Moving on to question 2. There’s a simple answer to this one: follow our directions and apply via our online registration form. That’s it. Simple.

Like the fashion industry, teenagers are constantly changing. Whether it’s due to their opinions, fashion sense, priorities or hormones (parents will be only too aware of these!), their age dictates that their unique looks and altering bodies will catch the eye of clients looking to promote their products.

Some of the specific qualities to consider when thinking about the types of teenage modelling include the following:

  • Close-ups. Advertising companies and marketing brands look for symmetrical facial features, a sparkling complexion and clear eyes.
  • General fashion. It could be for the high street or a clothes catalogue. Either way, companies are looking for classical looks and a physique that fits their latest designs. Tall, slim, petit…the options are endless.
  • Plus size / petite. Modelling is about meeting demands, and plus size models are always desirable for many styles. Petite models are not overlooked, either, and can carve a niche on their own.
  • Unique features. From dyed hair to unusual characteristics, there are opportunities for any teenager with a distinctive image. Being “different” doesn’t mean being excluded.
  • Hair, hands and feet. Cosmetic advertising, hair products and hair salons regularly need teenagers with flawless features.
  • The perfect photo. If your teenager is extremely photogenic, the range of jobs out there is limitless.

When you join Models Direct, teenagers are allocated their own modelling co-ordinator, and we’re always available to answer any questions or address any concerns you might have.


I thoroughly enjoyed my latest acting role, although I was slightly nervous beforehand as it was the biggest job I have had, however the team really made me feel at ease. I enjoyed shooting all the scenes. I filmed for an NHS information film and had to be filmed using the various facilities around the hospital. I gained some new insight into what it is like to be an actor i.e. how long scenes can take to film. I also gained confidence from the experience and feel it will help with my future bookings. I would recommend the experience to others as it was a useful and enjoyable experience. I would tell anyone looking to get into the talent industry to join an agency, which is a very useful move as well as maintaining a quality and up to date portfolio. I am always on Models Direct's websites and social media keeping an eye out for jobs as being proactive is important in order to obtain more work. I joined up with Models Direct to gain more experience and pursue my dream career as an actor and model, and they have really helped me to move forward in this field.

So, if you’re a parent or guardian of a child between 13-17 years of age and you think your teenager would not only be successful as a model but actively enjoy the experience, please contact us. We’ve been placing teenagers in many modelling jobs for several years, and we always put your child’s well-being before anything else. Teenage models have fun, increase their confidence, and earn money in the progress. What’s not to like?

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