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Maximise Your Booking Success

When you embark upon your career as a model you want to make the most of your talents and achieve the success you deserve. To do this you need to be versatile, driven and ensure you have the right agency alongside you.

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With some 30 years in the industry, Models Direct is well-placed to help you on the road to modelling success and to offer you expert advice on exactly what you should be doing to help gain those all-important bookings.

Here are our top tips:

Find the right agency for you

Make sure the agency you choose to represent you is everything you want it to be. Be wary of scams and understand that many agencies will simply “showcase” your photos rather than actively seek bookings for you.

Choose an employment agency that will find you solid assignments – a company you trust and that is properly regulated. 

Models Direct, for example, ensures its terms and conditions comply with employment agency standards and legislation. As such, it is regularly inspected by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy.

Be prepared to be flexible

The more flexible you are, the more bookings you will achieve; the more experience you have, the broader the range of future opportunities will be. Think carefully before turning down a booking as every assignment you complete will be another string to your bow.

By casting your net widely, you could end up taking part in photo shoots for all sorts of advertising campaigns, as well as magazine features. You could find yourself on film and television sets or you could be involved in promotional work or hosting at events.

Models who are flexible not only gain more bookings but often find themselves enjoying the variety of the job far more as they develop their careers.

Sing your own praises

Consider whether you have any other talents that you might be able to offer potential clients – and don’t be slow to sing your own praises. 

Can you sing, dance or roller skate? Do you play a particular sport, have a martial arts belt or have circus skills? If so, make sure your modelling agency knows about it.

Models with extra talents undoubtedly have broader appeal so think about what might give you an edge and make you just that bit more enticing for a particular booking.

Work hard to promote yourself

While your agent should work hard for you, you also need to work hard for yourself. Those with drive and a determination to succeed are more likely to be successful.

Be prepared to step up, push yourself forward and network as much as possible. Those who put themselves out there find far more opportunities.

Ensure you keep online profiles fresh and up to date with recent photography and a current biography. Develop your portfolio as your bookings grow and your career takes off. And make sure you gather references as you go, so everyone knows just how good a model you really are.

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